I've got a few heirloom tomatoes (the cherry tom in front is huge, but yellow, it seems less able to fight off this fungus that's going around) in addition to the usual big boy and early girls (got a half dozen of each for $2 each tray b/c they had been left out and were getting beat up)...I've got a regular cucumber and a pickling cucumber (any good pickling recipes?) and oregano, basil and cilantro.
Got a bunch of peppers (chili, jalapeno, hot banana, and habanero (no blossoms yet though)...Japanese eggplant (I couldn't find regular ones that weren't like $6) they had corn available this year so we're trying that...lots of red and white beans in the last photo.
Does anyone have a solution to that white fungus that grows on the leaves of zucchini and squash? The local HD was out of the fungicide I used before because everyone has fungus problems...
Any tips appreciated for dealing with these fungus issues!
I've had the same problems, to a "T". Normally, milk sprayed on the plants works, but this year, it's too damp with too little sun and the usual milk bath isn't strong enough. I've also had great luck with baking soda/water mix (tablespoon baking soda to one gallon water, with a spritz of dish soap as a surfactant), but again, this year, the blight is too strong. I hate to use ANY chemicals, but this year I had to use Ortho MAX Garden Disease spray (a fungicide) to keep from losing everything. It worked great, is relatively safe compared to some other chems, and I've had a good yield so far. Wash your veggies before you eat them if you use any sprays, obviously.
Dave - my friend - for your tomatoes - try this - 2 tablespoons of epsom salt for every gallon of water..try this for 2 days and your tomatees shud come back fine....then water using the epsom salt mixture once a week - let me know how it goes!
my tomato plants, which are container ( half barrels ) grown, are loaded with fruit. but i noticed yesterday the yellow blight on some of the plants... ran out and got the fungus spray and sprayed away! hope it stops the blight in its tracks....
I almost pulled all of mine out to burn, but the weather had taken a turn and the sun is out and it is good and hot.. We did prune our tomatoes severely and that seems to have helped but I think it's just that the weather is better.
the blight now is taking over most of the tomato plants.... such a shame. .... thought i had it controlled with some anti-fungal spray for the last 2 weeks, but now its spread and worse than ever.... probably kill about 40% of potential harvest.... steve in northeast pennsylvania !
hey there we have been using Miracle soap and Miracle Neutralizer on all our plants, have no problems here.....try it...also works on bugs
We had a huge problem with this fungus this past year.
Our plants would continue to bear fruit till they got the fungus, and then the maters would continue to ripen but they would quit bearing fruit after the blight had ruined the leaves.
So we just did our best to keep it from spreading, not very easy during a summer like this last!:(
Check with Andre Viette on inthegardenradio.com. He hails from Long Island, and is an internationally known horticulturalist. Does a (small) syndicated show from his nursery in Charlottesville, VA every Saturday at 0800 EST. Some stations in PA carry it, or listen via WRVA Am radio out of Richmond, VA at WRVA.com. Good luck!
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