I've got a few heirloom tomatoes (the cherry tom in front is huge, but yellow, it seems less able to fight off this fungus that's going around) in addition to the usual big boy and early girls (got a half dozen of each for $2 each tray b/c they had been left out and were getting beat up)...I've got a regular cucumber and a pickling cucumber (any good pickling recipes?) and oregano, basil and cilantro.
Got a bunch of peppers (chili, jalapeno, hot banana, and habanero (no blossoms yet though)...Japanese eggplant (I couldn't find regular ones that weren't like $6) they had corn available this year so we're trying that...lots of red and white beans in the last photo.
Does anyone have a solution to that white fungus that grows on the leaves of zucchini and squash? The local HD was out of the fungicide I used before because everyone has fungus problems...
Any tips appreciated for dealing with these fungus issues!